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Common tasks

This page provides to-do lists for some common tasks one may encounter while contributing to Mapperly.

New diagnostic

To introduce a new diagnostic follow these steps:

  1. Ensure no existing diagnostic in Riok.Mapperly.Diagnostics.DiagnosticDescriptors.cs matches the new use case.
  2. Create a new public static readonly entry following the existing naming and formatting style, as ID use RMG<NUMBER> with <NUMBER> being the highest already used number plus one. The highest used number can be found in as there may be removed diagnostics which are not present in DiagnosticDescriptors anymore but which should still not be used for new diagnostics.
  3. Add the new diagnostic to (Mapperly does not use the Unshipped file).
  4. Add a new documentation file at docs/docs/configuration/analyzer-diagnostics/{id}.mdx (as needed)
  5. Add a unit test generating and asserting the added diagnostic (use TestHelperOptions.AllowDiagnostics and Should().HaveDiagnostic(...).HaveAssertedAllDiagnostics().

It is not necessary to update the analyzer-diagnostics/index.mdx documentation file manually, as it is generated automatically on the basis of the file.

New public API

If new public API surface is introduced in Riok.Mapperly.Abstractions, add the new API to the PublicAPI.Shipped.txt file directly. Mapperly does not use the PublicAPI.Unshipped.txt file.

Add support for a new roslyn version

To support a new roslyn version via multi targeting follow these steps (see also architecture/roslyn multi targeting):

  1. Include the new version in roslyn_versions in build/
  2. Create a new file Riok.Mapperly.Roslyn$(Version).props in src/Riok.Mapperly similar to the existing ones and define constants and include dependencies as needed.
  3. Update the default ROSLYN_VERSION in src/Riok.Mapperly/Riok.Mapperly.csproj.
  4. Update the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp dependency version.
  5. Adjust the .NET version matrix of the integration-test GitHub Actions job (defined in .github/workflows/test.yml) to include a dotnet version which is based on the added Roslyn version.
  6. Adjust the .NET version in the global.json file as needed.
  7. Add the new version in Riok.Mapperly.IntegrationTests.Helpers.Versions and Riok.Mapperly.IntegrationTests.BaseMapperTest.GetCurrentVersion.
  8. If generated code changes based on the new Roslyn version, adjust the VersionedSnapshotAttributes as needed.
  9. Adjust the documentation as needed.
  10. Add new preprocessor constants to .csharpierrc.yaml.
  11. Add new GitHub required checks as needed (needs to be done by a maintainer).

Mapping syntax

Mapperly Mappings use Roslyn syntax trees. RoslynQuoter and SharpLab are fantastic tools to understand and work with Roslyn syntax trees. The Riok.Mapperly.Emit.Syntax.SyntaxFactoryHelper and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.SyntaxFactory classes help building these syntax trees.