Existing target object
If an existing object instance should be used as target, you can define the mapping method as void with the target as second parameter:
Mapper declaration
public partial class CarMapper
public partial void CarToCarDto(Car car, CarDto dto);
Mapper usage
var mapper = new CarMapper();
var car = new Car { NumberOfSeats = 10, ... };
var dto = new CarDto();
mapper.CarToCarDto(car, dto);
Merge objects
To merge two objects together, AllowNullPropertyAssignment
can be set to false
This ignores all properties on the source with a null
- Declaration
- Generated code
[Mapper(AllowNullPropertyAssignment = false)]
static partial class FruitMapper
public static partial void ApplyUpdate(FruitUpdate update, Fruit fruit);
class Fruit { public required string Name { get; set; } public required string Color { get; set; } }
record FruitUpdate(string? Name, string? Color);
static partial class FruitMapper
public static partial void Update(global::FruitUpdate update, global::Fruit fruit)
if (update.Name != null)
fruit.Name = update.Name;
if (update.Color != null)
fruit.Color = update.Color;
See also null value handling.