Object Factories
By default the generated code will instantiate objects using the default parameterless constructor if available. If no parameterless constructor is available, Mapperly will try to map to the constructor arguments (see constructor mappings).
Alternatively custom object factories can be used to construct or resolve target objects.
To make use of object factories create an object factory method inside the mapper class
and set the Riok.Mapperly.Abstractions.ObjectFactoryAttribute
An object factory method needs to return a non-void type. It may have a single parameter which is the source object.
The first object factory with a matching signature is used to construct the desired type by Mapperly.
If an object factory is used for a certain type, Mapperly cannot map to init only properties or constructor parameters.
public partial class CarMapper
private CarDto CreateCarDto()
=> CarDto.CreateFromCustomMethod();
public partial CarDto CarToCarDto(Car car);
public partial class CarMapper
public partial CarDto CarToCarDto(Car car)
var target = CreateCarDto();
// map all properties...
return target;
Generic object factory
Mapperly also supports generic object factories with or without type constraints. A generic object factory needs to be parameterless and is required to have exactly one type parameter which is also the return type.
public partial class CarMapper
// an object factory which will create instances of CarDto and all it's subclasses
private T CreateCar<T>()
where T : CarDto
=> CarDto.CreateFromCustomMethod();
// or an object factory which will create objects for all types
private T Create<T>()
=> _diContainer.Resolve<T>();
public partial CarDto CarToCarDto(Car car);
Supported object factory method signatures
Mapperly supports several object factory method signatures.
TargetType CreateTargetType();
TargetType CreateTargetType(SourceType source);
TargetType CreateTargetType<S>(S source);
T CreateTargetType<T>();
T CreateTargetType<T>(SourceType source);
TTarget CreateTargetType<TSource, TTarget>(TSource source);
TTarget CreateTargetType<TTarget, TSource>(TSource source);