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Reference handling

Mapperly can support mapping object structures with circular references. To opt in for reference handling set UseReferenceHandling to true:

[Mapper(UseReferenceHandling = true)]
public partial class CarMapper
public partial CarDto CarToCarDto(Car car);

This enables the usage of a default reference handler which reuses the same target object instance if encountered the same source object instance.


When using reference handling, the Mapperly package reference needs to include the runtime assets (the runtime assets are needed for the reference handler implementation).
Make sure ExcludeAssets on the PackageReference does not include runtime when using reference handling.

Custom reference handler

To use a custom IReferenceHandler implementation, a parameter of the type Riok.Mapperly.Abstractions.ReferenceHandling.IReferenceHandler annotated with the Riok.Mapperly.Abstractions.ReferenceHandling.ReferenceHandlerAttribute can be added to the mapping method.

[Mapper(UseReferenceHandling = true)]
public partial class CarMapper
public partial CarDto CarToCarDto(Car car, [ReferenceHandler] IReferenceHandler myRefHandler);

User implemented mappings

To make use of the IReferenceHandler in a user implemented mapping method, add a parameter as described in the section "Custom reference handler".